Whitehorse Daily Star

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Photo by Whitehorse Star

ASSISTANCE ANNOUNCED – An Air North aircraft is seen over Whitehorse in June 2018. Yukon’s Airline will receive up to $5.7 million to continue operating its scheduled service connecting Whitehorse to Vancouver, and connecting Whitehorse to Old Crow and Dawson City.

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Photo by Whitehorse Star

Air North president Joe Sparling

Aviation industry lands more financial help

The total amount of support funding to the Yukon’s aviation industry this year has soared past the $10-million mark.

By Whitehorse Star on November 12, 2020

The total amount of support funding to the Yukon’s aviation industry this year has soared past the $10-million mark.

The territory’s aviation sector will receive more than $7 million in support to continue providing essential services to and from the territory and its remote communities, Highways and Public Works Minister Richard Mostyn said Monday.

The second phase of aviation support includes funding from the federal government to address the unique needs of remote communities in the North.

Air North will receive up to $5.7 million to continue operating its scheduled service connecting Whitehorse to Vancouver, and connecting Whitehorse to Old Crow and Dawson City.

Alkan Air will receive up to $300,000 to continue to provide medevac services across the territory.

A further $1.1 million is available to support charter and rotary carriers to support essential service operations.

The Yukon government is also extending aviation fee waivers until March 31, 2021.

This will save the aviation industry approximately $234,000, the government pointed out.

In total, the fee waiver is saving Yukon air operators more than $1 million.

The territorial government provided approximately $3.6 million to the industry in phase one support.

“Aviation is critical to the North, and our government is working with our federal partners to support Yukon’s aviation industry to keep our communities connected,” Mostyn said.

“Throughout the pandemic, Yukon’s air carriers have transported essential goods, medical supplies and health care workers to and from the territory.

“This funding ensures they continue to provide the services Yukoners rely on.”

COVID-19 has created “unprecedented and catastrophic challenges for all airlines,” said Air North president Joe Sparling.

“Northern carriers have been particularly hard-hit simply because we are maintaining flight schedules that are not viable at current levels of demand but are required in order to ensure the timely and affordable movement of passengers and cargo and in order to protect northern jobs and Indigenous investment.

“Air North, Yukon’s Airline, is extremely thankful to both the Yukon government and to the Government of Canada for the help provided to date and for the future assistance committed to in (Monday’s) announcement.”

Comments (7)

Up 1 Down 4

JustSayin' on Nov 18, 2020 at 5:43 pm

Umm, how can we give a bailout to an organization that is supported 49 % via FN? Who hauls their own fuel to decrease costs and take away from business that support and sell other fuel in the Yukon. How Air North encouraged people to travel south as COVID 19 was increasing. Perhaps, we can give those funds to the businesses located in the Yukon who have lost money.

Up 12 Down 4

covidbc on Nov 16, 2020 at 8:02 pm

How does the government justify giving Alkan air $300,000 to continue providing medevacs?
Medevacs are paid by the government on a per trip basis. No doubt at a premium to the regular charter price. Now another $300k on top of that?

Up 16 Down 7

Sheepchaser on Nov 15, 2020 at 4:56 pm

That’s totally legit. We’re going to need them again at similar levels in a year or two. No point in letting these high skill services degrade in the meantime. You can’t put these resources back together overnight. Sometimes a life preserver is better than resuscitation. Well done on this one, gov.

Up 16 Down 48

Woodcutter on Nov 13, 2020 at 6:19 pm

@Adam Smith - no the Yukon party would be a disaster in these times. It's a party that attracts all the deniers, from climate change to pandemic as well as equal rights for all and a woman's control over her own body. 2/3 of the voters disagree, just ask the pharmacist.

Up 23 Down 44

Those Damn Cons on Nov 13, 2020 at 2:55 pm

@ Adam Smith Then we could be JUST like Alberta, Ontario and the US. No thanks!

Up 45 Down 56

Adam Smith on Nov 12, 2020 at 6:55 pm

Wouldn't need any aid for them if we just elected a Yukon Party government again. They will open up the borders unlike the clueless Liberals who continue to keep most of them closed. If Air North could fly all of their routes properly they wouldn't need aid. This is just more unnecessary socialism from the Liberals.

Up 50 Down 43

Matthew on Nov 12, 2020 at 4:36 pm

I'd sure like a bailout too... I haven't got one yet, but I'm sure I'll be paying for others.. let it fail, just like the countless small businesses the gov has let fall due to 10,000 deaths, only 2000 more than the flu killed in 2018 and our economy was alive and well.

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