Whitehorse Daily Star

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Dr. Brendan Hanley

Arriving kids to be spared isolation

The Yukon government will be moving to further loosen travel restrictions for families.

By Tim Giilck on June 2, 2021

The Yukon government will be moving to further loosen travel restrictions for families.

“It’s a tiny bit of risk for a lot of benefit for families,” Dr. Brendan Hanley, the chief medical officer of health, said during this morning’s COVID-19 weekly briefing.

Hanley and Premier Sandy Silver announced that children under the age of 12 – who are not yet eligible to receive a COVID vaccine – don’t have to self-isolate if they enter the territory from Outside if their parents or guardians are fully vaccinated.

When the government first announced it would loosen restrictions for fully vaccinated travellers effective May 25, it said the exemption from self-isolation didn’t apply to unvaccinated children travelling with family members.

That would have left many people in the dubious position of having to stay home to look after their children – even when they didn’t have to self-isolate themselves.

That caused some consternation amongst the public, and has been a frequent topic of conversation on social media.

Hanley said the government had been considering the matter since the announcement on relaxed travel restrictions had been made.

He said he didn’t know about any public pressure on the issue. Rather, he said he had been waiting for some clear science-based evidence that could be presented and analyzed before making a decision.

Hanley said that review indicated that while there is a small risk of virus transmission from younger children, it was an acceptable risk.

Children in the affected age range are generally less susceptible to COVID-19 infections, he explained.

“The relative risk is lower. There’s a difference in response with younger children, and reduced transmission.”

Hanley said the collective wisdom amongst Yukon officials is that these children who were “surrounded by the safety of a vaccinated family” were in little danger themselves, and posed only a slight threat to others. He called it a “pragmatic” decision.

“There’s not much risk in vaccinated families,” he said. “This was something we needed and wanted from the start. We were just waiting on an evidence-based recommendation and we needed more time for that.”

The date the changes will be in effect for families has not been announced, but a mid-June target was mentioned this morning.

The government also announced how it would handle travellers from other parts of Canada beyond B.C.

While the Yukon was prepared to exempt self-isolation for Canadian travellers from other jurisdictions who have been fully vaccinated, a process for vetting them had not been established.

Silver said today the government will acccept documents indicating vaccination had occurred in the absence of a national verification standard or system.

Details weren’t offered beyond that people could show or submit electronic copies of their information for the moment, until a more comprehensive system is put in place.

“We will soon be in a position to lift more restrictions,” Silver said.

Seventy-eight per cent of Yukoners have now received their first dose of the Moderna vaccine. Seventy per cent now have both shots.

There are no new or active cases of the virus.

Comments (13)

Up 13 Down 3

Enough on Jun 7, 2021 at 3:37 am

Considering that most of Hanley's edicts, especially the mask mandate, follow Fauci's flip-flopping pronouncements, Yukoners would most benefit from a similar exposure of Hanley's real agenda.

We've just had enough of this nonsense. There's no emergency, absolutely no need for any restriction or masks, and there are safe treatments for covid that work such as Ivermectin. Doctors in the US are now turning to Ivermectin for treating covid patients. Studies show that Ivermectin even prevents covid. Why isn't Hanley ever mentioning that?

Up 19 Down 5

My Opinion on Jun 4, 2021 at 5:48 am

17 million and counting Liberal gravy train.

Up 16 Down 5

My Opinion on Jun 4, 2021 at 5:44 am

Check out Brenden Hanley's net worth on the net. I am sure you will be shocked.

Up 11 Down 21

Andy Odel on Jun 3, 2021 at 9:04 am

Another oxymoron to add to the list "collective wisdom amongst Yukon officials" Wonder whom this may refer to. None I've noticed so far. This is not the time to be letting our guard down. No one wants to go through what we have endured for the last year plus, again.

Up 39 Down 11

John on Jun 3, 2021 at 8:22 am

Just pull the pin already. Either this plandemic was a scam or we've beat down whatever bug it was with herd immunity. Either way, the only damage done has been to our economy and our civil rights so it's time to move on.

Up 42 Down 14

JC on Jun 3, 2021 at 8:19 am

I'm not sure people know this, but I came "home" May 26th, and the border guards at the airport did not ask to see my vaccine "permanent" record card. I had to consent to them reviewing my health records if I wanted to continue living at my "home" and for my daughter, who I share custody, and I had not seen in over a month due to travel restrictions, to continue her life with school and soccer, etc.
My work, life has been ripped apart so much by these seemingly whimsical border restrictions, that I am moving out of Yukon. I have lived there 25 years plus, operated a business there for that long, raised my children there...but I just can't take this anymore. My freedoms have been trampled on long enough by the elite folks at the helm in Yukon. I was a coach, volunteer, employer, trainer. I have had enough! I am leaving.

Up 28 Down 6

Yukoner on Jun 3, 2021 at 6:58 am

Why not right now or even a specific date.
Why can't this government just announce something that they have actually figured out completely and not some knee jerk response to public complaints or NDP demands.

Up 18 Down 4

dmz on Jun 2, 2021 at 10:21 pm

They're taking a page from Doug Ford's handbook, I see. An announcement of an announcement to come.

"Hanley said the collective wisdom amongst Yukon officials is that these children who were “surrounded by the safety of a vaccinated family” were in little danger themselves, and posed only a slight threat to others. He called it a “pragmatic” decision."

Everything he said today is the opposite of something heard another day and no, it can't all be waved away as "science changes". Why can't he be specific about all the "evidence" he's poring over? Some of this stuff must be available to the public.

Up 30 Down 5

Emergency? What emergency... Its just an Act! on Jun 2, 2021 at 5:47 pm

Get stuffed! You are going to introduce students unquarantined into the general public under a civil emergency where you have restricted other’s liberties!

This makes no sense.

Up 75 Down 14

Tonka on Jun 2, 2021 at 4:36 pm

Wow, I'm so glad I cancelled my summer plans with my kids after the last announcement. Tired of this secretive, piecemeal, knee jerk plan. Enough already!

Up 63 Down 21

bonanzajoe on Jun 2, 2021 at 3:58 pm

Thank you and praise you Oh lord Hanley. When wilt thou let us get our lives back together?

Up 70 Down 19

Max Mack on Jun 2, 2021 at 3:57 pm

"clear science-based evidence"

Hahahahahaha! Thanks for the great laugh, Hanley!

Up 86 Down 17

My Opinion on Jun 2, 2021 at 3:57 pm

"Hanley said the collective wisdom amongst Yukon officials"

OMG that is Nauseating. How full of yourself are you?

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