Whitehorse Daily Star

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Photo by Ethan Lycan-Lang

MAJOR ISSUES ON AGENDA – Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaks during the news conference held Monday morning in a hangar at Erik Nielsen Whitehorse International Airport.

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Photo by CP

PM IN THE CAPITAL – Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, left, and Premier Ranj Pillai speak at the Yukonstruct building, which the prime minister toured, on Monday morning. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Mike Thomas

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Premier Ranj Pillai, Prime Minister Trudeau, his son Hadrien and Yukon MP Brendan Hanley arrive at Erik Nielsen Whitehorse International Airport for a Monday morning press conference backdropped by an RCAF Boeing C-17 Globemaster. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Mike Thomas

Arctic sovereignty a top concern, PM says

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau used the last of his time in the Yukon on Monday to say a foreign object shot down between Mayo and Dawson City last weekend remains a mystery, but Arctic sovereignty is still a top priority.

By Ethan Lycan-Lang on February 14, 2023

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau used the last of his time in the Yukon on Monday to say a foreign object shot down between Mayo and Dawson City last weekend remains a mystery, but Arctic sovereignty is still a top priority.

The prime minister was in Whitehorse on Sunday and Monday to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of Together Today for our Children Tomorrow.

On Saturday, he ordered Norad to shoot down an unidentified aircraft in Yukon airspace. It was one of three foreign objects shot down over North American airspace last weekend, and the fourth in just over a week.  

Trudeau spoke to reporters outside Erik Nielsen Whitehorse International Airport on Monday morning before departing for Ontario. He was joined by Premier Ranj Pillai and MP Brendan Hanley.

“When these unidentified objects represent a threat to airline traffic, to civilian safety, we needed to take action, which we did,” Trudeau said.

“And that’s what we’re going to continue to do to ensure that Canadians are kept safe.”

The prime minister didn’t give any more details about the nature of the downed object, but said the Canadian Armed Forces were leading an ongoing ground search with the RCMP and other partners to recover it.

He said the federal government has been working closely with the territorial government and Indigenous leaders to make sure the search is done “safely and appropriately.”

Once the object is recovered, it will be analyzed to determine its nature and origin, he said.

That could take days, as the object was shot down over a large, remote, unpopulated area that’s difficult to access in winter months.

“There is much analysis going on at the highest levels of Norad, in both Canada and the United States, to try and understand more…and be able to answer the questions that Canadians have,” Trudeau said.

“As soon as we have more clarity and better answers to give to Canadians, we will be giving them.”

Trudeau said locals will be instructed on the safety of the area as the ground search learns more.

The prime minister was asked if recent events made the protection of Arctic sovereignty a more urgent priority.

“The importance of defending our territorial integrity, our sovereignty, has rarely been as important as it is now,” he said.

Another object was downed over Alaska last Friday, and the Chinese spy balloon that passed through the United States at the start of the month entered North America over Alaska and the Yukon.

Trudeau said he spoke with U.S. President Joe Biden last Saturday about the situation.

He said the sovereignty of North American airspace in general will be part of the conversation when the two meet on Biden’s scheduled visit to Canada in March.

“This is a very serious situation that we are taking incredibly seriously,” Trudeau added.

“The responsibility of the federal government and leading Armed Forces and Norad is to make sure Canadian sovereignty is protected and maintained.

“But we do that in partnership. You can’t talk about protection and sovereignty in the North without talking about and talking with the people who’ve lived here for millennia.”

Trudeau and Pillai both said over the weekend that the object now scattered on Yukon ground never posed a threat to the safety of Yukoners, only to civilian aircraft. 

The object, described as small and cylindrical, was unlawfully occupying Canadian airspace at an altitude of approximately 40,000 feet, Defence Minister Anita Anand said in a televised statement last Saturday. 

The federal government is working in partnership with the territory to ensure Yukoners in the area remain safe as the area is searched, Trudeau said.

“We understand that Yukoners – and I spoke with the First Nations leaders in the affected territory (Sunday) night – are rightly concerned about the impact on their citizens,” he said. “We are deploying all measures possible to keep Canadians safe.”

Trudeau said Norad’s response to the recent slate of foreign objects in North American skies shows the defence command is operating as it should. 

“Obviously there is some sort of pattern in there,” he said.

“The fact that we are seeing this in a significant degree over the past week is a cause for interest and close attention, which is exactly what we’re doing.”

The prime minister was also asked how the federal Liberal party would ensure Yukon First Nations would be consulted on a federal gun bill that’s caused backlash among northern gun owners.

Answering in French, Trudeau said Public Safety Minister Marco Mendicino had taken what he’d heard from gun owners in the Yukon last month, including those in First Nations communities, and decided to withdraw amendments to the bill introduced last fall.

Yukon gun owners, and Hanley have said those amendments would have banned firearms essential to life in First Nations and rural northern communities.

Trudeau said his government still wants to ban firearms not essential to hunting to decrease gun violence in the country.

However, it wants to do so in a way that respects the fundamental rights of Indigenous and northern communities.

Pillai didn’t take questions Monday, but said a few words to reporters about the Trudeau’s visit, thanking him for coming to celebrate a “really important anniversary for the Council of Yukon First Nations.”

Together Today for Our Children Tomorrow was presented to Trudeau’s father, former prime minister Pierre Trudeau, on Feb. 14, 1973 as a road map for reconciliation and Yukon First Nations self-governance.

It led to the Umbrella Final Agreement in 1993 and final agreements for self-governance for 11 of the territories 14 First Nations.

“It’s a story that all Canadians need to hear about a modern treaty and how amazing it’s been for our territory,” Pillai said.

He said the two discussed a number of issues important to the territory during the visit, including Arctic security. 

Pillai said the two also spoke about health care negotiations – the premiers decided to accept the federal government’s nearly $200-billion offer later that afternoon – and what the Yukon could expect from new federal funding.

The Yukon will negotiate its own bilateral agreement for health care funding with the federal government, as well as what the territory can expect from $150 million set aside over five years for the North as part of a Territorial Health Investment Fund.

Comments (30)

Up 1 Down 0

drum on Feb 20, 2023 at 8:50 pm

Arctic Sovereignity only important for the five minutes he was here. No other time.

Up 7 Down 3

Heathen on Feb 20, 2023 at 1:48 pm

"This is a very serious situation that we are taking incredibly seriously"

I do hope Trudeau has enough self-awareness that he is laughing inside when he spouts such tosh. The only thing serious about the situation is how US/CAN govs are hyping this as a bit of advance marketing to burn more money on space-based weaponry and other toys that will make war more likely not less likely. But hey, Raytheon and company get to stuff their pockets in the meantime.

Up 7 Down 1

DL on Feb 19, 2023 at 10:14 pm



Up 9 Down 2

Oh Look It's a UFO - shoot-it-down on Feb 19, 2023 at 8:03 pm

The scuttlebutt is that NORAD knew what it was, since it had been circling in the Jet Stream for months. They considered it was no hazard, but the PM obviously wanted a heroic gesture since he was arriving in town later that day to speak with politicians, native elders and host a Lieberal Party fundraising dinner at $250-$1000 per seat, depending how close to the throne it was.

Up 6 Down 1

TheHammer on Feb 19, 2023 at 8:56 am

Arctic sanity is the real priority.

Up 7 Down 3

DL on Feb 19, 2023 at 2:35 am

What's with the balloons distraction these days... Fact is, there have been weather balloons sent every day from a multitude of weather stations all over Canada (including Whitehorse) for decades, and these can reach high altitudes and eventually crash. These could potentially be a hazard to aircrafts.

So what are we distracted from? Let's see... Bombshell expose on The USA blowing up their ally Germany's Nordstream 2 pipeline, which has essentially grounded Germany's economy. Time to pause and wonder... 'with friends like these who needs enemies'.

Up 9 Down 1

JC on Feb 17, 2023 at 8:12 pm

Have you ever seen a potato playing hot potato?

Up 14 Down 10

The dolts of leftism on Feb 17, 2023 at 10:15 am

Agreed Juniper Jackson on Feb 16, 2023 at 3:42 pm:

This is why things like digital IDs are absolutely contrary to the public good. Forgoing anonymity however is a double edged sword - There are those who use the power of social media to cancel the opinions of others less powerful than they are.

The left engages in the routine fallacies of Machiavellianism and Socio/ Psychopathy to essentialize, hurt, and literally kill others through warped social policy. And yes, they have no qualms about the use of intimidation tactics such as violence and property damage to silence people they see as ‘problematic’ to their authority.

You are right to assert that anonymity is essential to a properly functioning democracy otherwise the mob with their pitchforks and torches will create a fascist state of authoritarianism - This is a very real consequence of the L-NDP mindset and push for power in the form of access to your information - Again, these are not the people you want in your neighbourhood, community, or government.

So no! Don’t give them your information, documents or your papers!

Up 27 Down 3

Juniper Jackson on Feb 16, 2023 at 3:42 pm

Rod: Thanks for your comment. You are half "write". (pun intended). I spend a LOT of time in bed. So grateful for Drs and Home Care, family, that make it possible for me to be in my home. While I don't wait for the Star, I do wait for those forums i belong too at the United Nations and NATO. Especially WHO and UNDP. I read everything. Fortunately, my eyes work just fine. Google translates European papers. I read those too. Thanks for your inquiry.

To those who want to know the "real' name of those who post.. why?

I would advise, strongly, that no one post their real name. Several years ago when I first started posting, I did post my name. People called my home and threatened me and my kids. It is prudent these days, especially if you have an opinion that differs from others, to express your opinion without having to wonder if some one is going to key your car or threaten you. Some people are just not in full possession of their faculties.

Up 10 Down 2

Groucho d'North on Feb 16, 2023 at 10:07 am

“When these unidentified objects represent a threat to airline traffic, to civilian safety, we needed to take action, which we did,” Trudeau said.
All well and good but what happens when a commercial wide-body aircraft is forced to land in the tundra far from help of any kind? Potentially hundreds of people stuck on a frozen landscape in extreme weather conditions.
Today Canada is poorly equipped to deal with such a catastrophic event. Most northern communities do not have the capacity to respond to such an emergency. Even our military has challenges in responding to downed aircraft, such what happened when one of their own Hercules military aircraft crashed 16 kms from an airport at Alert on Ellesmere Island, Nunavut. Five military personnel died, four from the crash and one from exposure waiting for help to arrive. Read the whole story: https://www.baaa-acro.com/crash/crash-lockheed-c-130-hercules-near-alert-5-killed.
So now the political types are all in a lather about a few balloons while hundreds of commercial aircraft operate on a wing and a prayer that they will not have any mechanical problems while flying over the top of the world. It appears that priorities are guided by news of the day rather than investing in safety. Trudeau is correct in saying “these unidentified objects represent a threat to airline traffic, to civilian safety…” Mostly because once an airliner is on the tundra due to a failure of some kind, there is little help to save them.

Up 12 Down 23

ProScience Greenie on Feb 15, 2023 at 4:50 pm

Juniper, PM Harper did this. Lasts 31 years. You should look it up... or ignore it and blame it all on PMJT... up to you.

In September 2012, Canada signed a Foreign Investment Promotion and Protection Agreement (FIPA) with China. FIPAs are Canada's name for bilateral investment treaties, which are used by large global corporations to challenge public policies or local decisions that stand in the way of their profits.

Up 26 Down 7

Elmer Fud on Feb 15, 2023 at 4:14 pm

Arctic sovereignty my ass, that pesky rascal won’t give the rangers ammo for the new rifles they handed them and cutbacks have limited patrols, anyway look out for the next bullet drive, coming soon to a neighborhood near you, need 308 ammo and pellets for the air rifles……….

Up 25 Down 4

So done with the stupid! on Feb 15, 2023 at 10:34 am

Yep - 1984 on Feb 14, 2023 at 3:06 pm:

It’s a good thing we stepped in to prevent the Indigenous peoples from having to learn German - Now we will have to save from having to speak Russian and Chinese - Much more difficult to learn.
It is ironic though given that North American Indigenous peoples heritage and lineage is greatly influenced by Russo-Eurasian cultures - The Aleutian Tea Party perhaps?

Up 26 Down 2

ProudCanadian on Feb 15, 2023 at 9:18 am

Let’s get a few things straight here…

NORAD still needs to be modernized.
Canada still needs to spend 3%of GDP on he Canadian Forces as per NATO agreement.
Equipment and personnel (at least 5000) are need for our military. With the amount of money and equipment spent on foreign countries, the Canadian military only got weaker.

The F22 Raptor is to my knowledge the fastest fighter jet in NATO. Response time from Elmensdorf AFB Alaska is about four mins to Central Yukon. Response time from Cold Lake AB, about 10 mins. Mach 2.25 vs Mach 1.69 for our cough cough CF18’s.

Northern sovereignty should be an issue for all Canadians. A military presence is a necessity in the Yukon and NWT.
There will always be challenges to our Northern security along the Alaska/Yukon border, specially with warmer temperatures in the Beaufort Se
There is always a price for freedom especially with the current state of events worldwide.

A cold water military base might be a good option with air support.
Do Canadians really want to rely on another country to defend our North?

Up 10 Down 19

Rod on Feb 15, 2023 at 4:18 am

Holy Juniper do you just sit here and wait for articles to come out? lol. I don’t think I’ve seen one you haven’t commented on.

Up 6 Down 9

Nathan Living on Feb 14, 2023 at 9:16 pm

Russia has very little military capacity, however they can send their arsenal of old nukes.
China, however, is a major concern for the west.

Maybe Canada can develop balloon diplomacy.
And it's very likely that the US has been spying on China with similar balloon technology for decades.

Up 12 Down 7

Max Mack on Feb 14, 2023 at 9:01 pm

The story refers to the "Chinese spy balloon", as though it is a fact that China was spying via balloon.

It is an ALLEGED spy balloon. There has been NO independent verification. NO international monitors or experts have been invited to participate in the retrieval of the alleged spy balloon remnants. This entire affair smells of political theatre with a very heavy dose of CIA manipulation.

The story could just as easily said "suspected Chinese weather balloon" and it would have been more accurate.
Please do not repeat CIA talking points.

Up 20 Down 7

Juniper Jackson on Feb 14, 2023 at 8:04 pm

Faction Distraction: There was a time that I would have agreed with your last paragraph. (I sure agree with the rest of your comment though).

It's only when people get real nasty, do politician's listen. What do you suggest people do when they have tried sitting over a cup of tea to discuss 'their' objections? Politician's live in a pot of tea. A sign calling them a criminal in public? Not so much.. A politician is afraid of bad press and that cup of tea doesn't get bad press. Lack of enough food, living on the credit card, forced to sign up for the food bank causes.. yup..anger. The buck stops with Trudeau. You obviously disagree with his policies, but equally, don't appear to be the victim of them. Personally, MY anger stops at actually physical violence. I am ok with the protesters, marchers and everyone else actively expressing their displeasure. When we are ALL angry, we have ALL had enough, things will change.

Up 15 Down 5

bonanzajoe on Feb 14, 2023 at 8:02 pm

And we contributors would like to know how much money JT cut for the non contributors.

Up 18 Down 4

bonanzajoe on Feb 14, 2023 at 8:00 pm

Trudeau said his government still wants to ban firearms not essential to hunting to decrease gun violence in the country. But, he won't go after the criminals who are carrying and using them. It's safer to go after the law abiding. They won't shoot back.

Up 19 Down 4

bonanzajoe on Feb 14, 2023 at 7:53 pm

@PM: "Arctic sovereignty is still a top priority."
But like his father before him, it will be up to the Americans to fill the job. After all, why should Canada spend money on defense when the Americans will do the job for us. Then, he can squander the money on his pet programs. So, don't expect him to do anything about Canada's sovereignty except to grandstand. Just like he did when he "ordered" the Americans to shoot down the object over Yukon. He thinks he's a hero over that. But then, his loyal followers think he is.

Up 14 Down 4

Naturelover on Feb 14, 2023 at 6:09 pm

He looks constipated.

What did you feed him?

Up 64 Down 26

Juniper Jackson on Feb 14, 2023 at 3:15 pm

Trudeau is so full of crap.. Arctic sovereignty? Well, China isn't a threat..all Xi JinPing has to do is order Trudeau to give him oil rich shores. Trudeau has always danced to the Chinese fiddle. Their little 'set to' was just for show and not to go'.

The United States will stand by and let Russia in the back door? Trudeau? yes..US?, not bloody likely. Japan already has fishing rights just out of our sea borders. Canada is not the only country.. with Arctic interests.

Trudeau? Talking about taking the guns..now that's funny.. he's such a wuzz..has he ever even seen a weapon? He's made the outlaws very happy.. Outlaw something, and only the outlaws have it.

Pillai's mouth was moving.. did he say anything?

Up 51 Down 20

1984 on Feb 14, 2023 at 3:06 pm

Let’s have some emphasis on not only Arctic sovereignty, but Yukon sovereignty - from Ottawa. No digital ID as part of the health care funding agreement. There’s far too much government involvement, tracking and surveillance in our day to day lives as it is. And there is no other sovereignty without the presence and preservation of individual sovereignty.

Up 52 Down 7

Mark on Feb 14, 2023 at 2:59 pm

“The responsibility of the federal government and leading Armed Forces and Norad is to make sure Canadian sovereignty is protected and maintained.
“But we do that in partnership. You can’t talk about protection and sovereignty in the North without talking about and talking with the people who’ve lived here for millennia.”

Breaking News: Russia and China announce suspension of efforts to claim arctic territory to allow the Canadian Government an opportunity to consult with First Nations people.
In other news…Russia launches 17 new missiles targeting non-military infrastructure including schools, hospitals, and power generation in southern Ukraine.

Wake up…it’s a new world.

Up 46 Down 15

Just Sayin' on Feb 14, 2023 at 2:12 pm

Hahaha. Gotta love the FN. Please keep us safe colonizers.

Up 47 Down 19

Chicken little on Feb 14, 2023 at 2:01 pm

Look!!!! It’s a bird, a plane, nope it’s a truck Fudeau flag on helium ballon. lol

Up 41 Down 17

Wilf Carter on Feb 14, 2023 at 1:53 pm

How are going to defend ourselves with no airplanes and arms that Trudeau wants done away with?

Up 33 Down 22

Faction Distraction on Feb 14, 2023 at 1:14 pm

So we shot down something with no propulsion or armament. Still needed the neighbour to come handle our business for us. A foreign enemy pops up just in time to rip our eyes away from the catastrophe at home. Ignore the fact that we’ve known about previous balloons for months. Forget that we do all the same spying on China by satellite. It’s just that their rockets suck so they are going with balloons. That’s it. That’s the big hype.

Healthcare funding of an additional $100B over ten years, so $10B per year increase when we spend over $200B per year already is a joke. Table scraps for the public system while slash and burn capitalists everywhere salivate over the privatization chaos to come. Don’t tell me the public service has the wherewithal to manage that given the established track record for ineptitude with all other procurement.

Finally, we’re starting to see that the alignment between the current agenda and indigenous is about how that lifestyle is the shining example of owning nothing but being happy enough about it to keep voting. Natural fit. A standard of living to bring the rest of us all down to. Looking forward to issues with drinking water going national. Will we all be entitled to Gladue then?

Failing upwards to the level of our incompetence and then calling it success. Manipulation of the narrative at all levels. It’s tiring. Can we get some intelligent adults who aren’t just vane and reactionary involved in our highest public offices, please?

All that being said, it must be noted that the profane, abusive and ignorant treatment of elected officials from a small minority of dissenting citizens is first, very disgusting and wrong and second, driving away most conscientious and reasonable people who disagree with the current management of the country from doing anything about it. If the unhinged would please give it a rest, those with the ability to use words that have meaning beyond frothy mouth anger would like to participate. You lot actually help Trudeau with his message by doing exactly what he hopes you will.

Up 68 Down 19

Bad Leader! Go away! on Feb 14, 2023 at 12:31 pm

Our personal sovereignty from the tyranny of the L-NDP-FN syndicate is my biggest concern.

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