Whitehorse Daily Star

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Photo by Whitehorse Star

Alberta men face charges in Whitehorse

Whitehorse RCMP have charged two men with drug and weapons offences.

By Whitehorse Star on July 12, 2022

Whitehorse RCMP have charged two men with drug and weapons offences.

Two Alberta men were arrested early last Thursday morning. They face multiple weapons- and drug-related charges in Whitehorse, police said this week.

“Whitehorse RCMP responded to a call for services in the Porter Creek area at around 3:30 a.m. related to a suspicious person,” police said.

“The investigation led to the arrest of two males and the seizure of two loaded handguns, as well as evidence consistent with drug trafficking.”

Zuhair Al-Basry, 24, and Robel Woubete, 26, both of Edmonton, have both been charged with the following offences under the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act:

• Possession for the purpose of trafficking of a controlled substance (cocaine);

• Possession for the purpose of trafficking of a controlled substance (fentanyl); and

• Possession for the purpose of trafficking of a controlled substance (methamphetamine).

Under the Criminal Code, they have been charged with:

• Two counts, unauthorized possession of a firearm in a motor vehicle;

• Two counts, possession of a loaded firearm; and

• Possession of a prohibited weapon.

Both men were held for court and had a first court appearance last Friday.

Al-Basry was released with conditions pending a future court appearance. Woubete remains in custody, police said.

As part of the investigation, police also seized drug paraphernalia and a significant amount of Canadian currency, which, they said, support the allegations related to trafficking.

Insp. Lindsay Ellis, the Whitehorse RCMP detachment commander, noted “the significant safety risk” the situation presented to the responding officers.

“The first officer who attended this call demonstrated excellent quick thinking skills and concern for safety,” said Ellis.

“This seizure has great impact on safety and security in the community.”

Police said in a statement, “Whitehorse RCMP will continue working towards a safe and healthy Whitehorse by targeting the drug trade in the city.

“One of the policing priorities for the detachment will continue to be participation in crime prevention efforts, including firearm enforcement and harm reduction.”

Investigators ask that anyone who may have information regarding this or similar occurrences to contact the RCMP at 667-5551.

To remain anonymous, contact Crime Stoppers online at http://www.crimestoppersyukon.ca or via phone at 667-6715.

Comments (23)

Up 5 Down 5

Chuck Farley on Jul 16, 2022 at 4:34 pm

Mike " People justice IS the only way" Mike what exactly is "people justice"

Up 24 Down 1

Mike on Jul 15, 2022 at 11:10 am

Alberta men face charges in Whitehorse. Should have read "Alberta scumbags not men. Pathetic f@#$ing losers.

Up 10 Down 11

Mike on Jul 15, 2022 at 11:07 am

bonanzajoe you are absolutely 100% accurate. I agree, Yukon Judges/magistrates are all useless. People justice IS the only way.

Up 22 Down 19

Anie on Jul 14, 2022 at 3:15 pm

Bonanzajoe, nothing I said was a lie, but I think you and I will not agree on the facts. How about we wait until the trial to determine if laws were broken. By the way, Tamara Linch is in Ottawa jail on remand, not some dark and dingy prison populated by what you call "the worst scum on the planet." She just wanted to talk to the Prime Minuster? Yeah, so would I. There's lots I'd like to say to him about how he's running this country, none of it good. I don't think the Prime Minister is likely to take my calls, either. I don't expect him to - or to meet with some nutbar anarchist who posted on their website that the goal of their group was "to form a committee with the Senate and Governor General to override all levels of Canadian government". That isn't a lie, it comes directly from the Canada Unity website, January 2022, and since deleted.

Up 18 Down 2

Political Sophistry on Jul 14, 2022 at 10:23 am

Dear Sheepchaser on Jul 13, 2022 at 8:53 am:

You can find what you need here:

You can look up decisions, court calendars etc.
You can also find them here sometimes through keyword searches:


Complaints about Judicial conduct can be forwarded here:

For example, if you are a Court observer and you here a judge say something not quite right such as, the victim should have kept her legs closed, or the 3 year old child was sexually precocious, or other similar things - File a written complaint.

However, the real problem with our Judiciary lies in their political motivations. These motivations have always been problematic - For example, they misapplied the law with respect to Aboriginal Offenders for decades and decades and then blamed you for the overrepresentation of FN peoples in the Criminal Justice system - Cause you’re racist!

Do you apply the law? NO! Do you make the law? NO! So why would you accept the Court’s blame in this regard? This is entirely political and POLITICS in the Justice system cannot be tolerated in a free and democratic country… Hmmm…

Seriously, if a Judge or a Liberal tells you it’s raining don’t look up to taste the rain… Just walk away and look for cover!

Up 31 Down 10

YukonMax on Jul 14, 2022 at 6:12 am

"Zuhair Al-Basry", "Robel Woubete"
Again...two deeply rooted CANADIANS!

Up 34 Down 15

This land is Lib land on Jul 13, 2022 at 11:04 pm

Trudeau lets the scum in and sets them up in HIS cities (don’t pretend you haven’t noticed a steady increase in the influx of major scum into Whitehorse the past several years.) Trudeau appoints the top brass to HIS RCMP (feeling Lucki?) and Trudeau appoints the top judges to HIS law courts. No use getting too excited about a one-off arrest or two. Expect more and more crime because the government, the top cops and the courts are complicit. They don’t give a f*** about you or me.

Up 27 Down 33

bonanzajoe on Jul 13, 2022 at 5:26 pm

@Anie on Jul 13. Tamara Lich committed no crime. She was just organizing a peaceful demonstration against the marxist liberal government. All they wanted to do was have PM JT to come and talk to them. He, as is his cowardly nature refused and went into hiding, even blaming his son for giving him covid as a cover story. But Tamara unfortunately went in front of a left wing marxist liberal judge and was given conditions even murderers seldom get, especially in Yukon. And now, she is serving time because she broke a little unconstitutional condition and is now serving time with the worst scum on the planet.
While this out of Territory perp - and I can't describe him because my comment would be censored - who makes a living doing abominable things gets to walk our streets and no doubt getting welfare now while out. And let's not forget his racial and religious demographics, no judge would chance looking like a racist or religious bigot. So, Anie, don't make lying accusations against Tamara Lich who only wanted to speak to the PM and had to organize a thousand truckers to do it and still failed. She is an innocent victim of our communist government and judicial lackeys.

Up 23 Down 14

bonanzajoe on Jul 13, 2022 at 5:11 pm

Mike: "Great job Coppers!!! Keep that scum off the streets" It's the left wing bleeding heart liberal judges that should be keeping them off the street, not the cops. And they are failing to do so. I'm beginning to support the idea of people justice.

Up 49 Down 5

you wonder why people are cynical on Jul 13, 2022 at 4:37 pm

Loaded restricted weapons? Check. Meth? Check. Fentanyl? Check. Cocaine? Check.

Okay, we are ready to hit the streets in Whitehorse, Yukon. See ya later, Edmonton!
Oh no! Here come the cops! Busted. This is going to be 6 months in jail for the prohibited weapon alone. Add in the rest, we're looking at federal penitentiary time.

Here comes the judge. "Off you go, and make sure you come back to the Yukon for your next court appearance."

Up 30 Down 9

Anie on Jul 13, 2022 at 4:20 pm

I have mixed feelings about the one being released in bail. Our system says that a person has to be convicted before being incarcerated. Bail is therefore pretty much guaranteed unless the accused is deemed likely to offend or abscond, difficult to make that case.. And if convicted and sentenced to jail, then every day spent in custody awaiting trial results in 1.5 days credit against time to be served. I am reluctant to want these scumbags to get that break.

Someone compared this bail release to Tamara Linch. But your facts are incorrect, she was not denied bail. She breached the bail conditions she had negotiated and agreed to. Apples and oranges.

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Mike on Jul 13, 2022 at 11:24 am

Great job Coppers!!! Keep that scum off the streets. Give em the death penalty...they don't care who they kill.

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Eliminating the competition? on Jul 13, 2022 at 9:56 am

Kudos to the RCMP for the bust.

“Whitehorse RCMP responded to a call for services in the Porter Creek area at around 3:30 a.m. related to a suspicious person,” police said.

Does this mean someone called it into the cops? You know like a local guy these guys were undercutting? Reminds me of the early 2000s when some new people showed up and left rather hastily a few months later, all without police enforcement.

Remember, the difference between conspiracy theory and facts is about 6 months.

Up 62 Down 5

Sheepchaser on Jul 13, 2022 at 8:53 am

The most egregious thing mentioned here is the bail judge’s decision to release either of these violent and dangerous criminals. How much more do you need to do before you get removed from our supposedly civilized society, even just temporarily at what amounts to a gated summer camp? 24 and 26 years old adults. Loaded prohibited handguns. Known deadly illicit drugs. Moving around at the wee hours of the morning. That’s a person with bad intentions, bad deeds and bad associates. All three stripes of the forever loser.

Our justice system needs an overhaul in favour of the rights of the victim and the rights of law-abiding citizens. You see the lawlessness entering every part of our society now. From veiled threats of violence in political discourse to increasing disregard of established fact and favour towards deeply narcissistic anti-social self pity. Justice theory and justice reality seem to get further and further apart. You can’t have rehabilitation without first having consequences severe enough to force a self reckoning.

We can’t keep asking the cops to shoulder the burden at the tip of the spear if we refuse to back them up even when they’ve done exceptional work. How those folks keep showing up everyday in the face of such idiotcracy on the bench is a measure of their incredible character.

Would the Star please publish the names of the deciding judges in these matters? They are extremely well compensated public servants who must be held accountable.

Up 42 Down 4

doug starko on Jul 13, 2022 at 6:44 am

Hey court system, let them go - guaranteed one of them won't be showing up in court.

Up 35 Down 6

bonanzajoe on Jul 12, 2022 at 8:41 pm

"“This seizure has great impact on safety and security in the community.” So, let's summarize here, the drugs and guns has a great impact on safety and security of the community, but the perps don't. Just what we need, more wise judges and slippery perps.

Up 48 Down 6

Juniper Jackson on Jul 12, 2022 at 6:41 pm

Crime absolutely pays top dollar in the Yukon. Like a new Klondike drug rush. People want those drugs, some want to die. They have lost connection with life, lost their purpose, no goals, no self pride..that is, they don't care anymore how they look, hygiene, all emotional, mental health issues, Drugs are an easy death.
Some are just flirting with drugs, a weekend binge. Whatever the reason. Drug sales can not be stopped as long as someone wants them, someone will sell it to them Business is business..money is money.. and the judiciary system is worthless.

That being said.. our RCMP, (hugs and kisses!!) are out there every day, not knowing from minute to minute who is going to pull a gun on them, or who has a knife. In the old days, the focus was to catch criminals. They still do that, but the focus has shifted to stop it before it even starts. Investing in youth programs, wellness home checks for seniors and handicapped, Education. Today, a cop has to be a paramedic, a case worker, a psychologist, and then there's taking crap and abuse. Our Dr's, Nurses, and RCMP.. we don't pay them enough for the work they do. When the gunshots went off in PC, everyone was yelling call the cops..no one was saying lets defund the programs and lay a few off.. when you have a stroke at midnight, no one is saying.. oh..btw, Dr. I think you're over paid.

Up 44 Down 11

Matt on Jul 12, 2022 at 5:50 pm

New Canadians in the pharmaceutical business.

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drum on Jul 12, 2022 at 5:32 pm

Great job RCMP.
Courts will let them off. Scum need to be in jail.

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Groucho d'North on Jul 12, 2022 at 4:20 pm

Well done M division. Let's hope our court system displays the same level of performance in sentencing these criminals. The story says they reside in Edmonton, but are they Canadian citizens yet?

Up 110 Down 25

Richard Dmith on Jul 12, 2022 at 4:08 pm

One was released with conditions?!!
They were trafficking fentenyl (an illegal drug which has killed many Yukoners) and had a prohibited loaded weapon.

And Tamara Lich was denied bail for posing near a fellow protester!

Up 93 Down 8

Al on Jul 12, 2022 at 3:32 pm

Oh yippee. Yet again the usual slap on the wrist and set loose to continue where they left off.

The RCMP do their job and the courts, well let's just say they don't do anything of any value to assist the community in crime prevention.

Up 99 Down 1

YD on Jul 12, 2022 at 3:28 pm

Great work, Yukon RCMP.

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