
Whitehorse Daily Star

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DETOUR COMPLETED – The combined teamwork of First Kaska construction and iyon Kacheka, from Watson Lake, and White Bear Construction managed to successfully create a controlled single-lane bypass which connects the Alaska Highway around the major washout. The incident, which took place on Canada Day, closed the highway south of Watson Lake until Monday afternoon. Photo courtesy DEVIN BROADHAGEN

Alaska Highway reopens to one-lane traffic

After a morning of abject confusion on the part of the British Columbia and federal governments, the Alaska Highway south of Watson Lake reopened at about 3 p.m. Monday, although it remains limited to one-lane traffic.

By Tim Giilck on July 5, 2022

After a morning of abject confusion on the part of the British Columbia and federal governments, the Alaska Highway south of Watson Lake reopened at about 3 p.m. Monday, although it remains limited to one-lane traffic.

A massive washout over the Canada Day long weekend closed the vital artery in both directions for several days.

That prompted shortages at several grocery stores in Whitehorse, including the Real Canadian Superstore.

According to various sources, including the Alaska Highway News, “a former section of Highway 97 will be used, with pilot vehicles, to re-route traffic around the problem area.”

According to the Drive BC website, traffic is down to a single lane alternating option with a pilot vehicle being used as a guide.

The Highway News reported, “On Canada Day, the traffic monitoring service had reported water pooling along a stretch of the Alaska Highway between the Fireside Maintenance Camp and Allend Lookout.

“Just hours later, however, and with long weekend traffic travelling in both directions, the road gave way, destroying a large section of paved highway.”

George Smith is a contract asset performance manager for Public Services and Procurement Canada.

He told the Star in an email this morning that engineering consultants will visit the site Wednesday to further assess the damage.

Smith said the washout was caused by a beaver dam collapsing. The flood waters from the breach plugged a culvert tore the highway apart.

There is no estimate yet as to when the damage can be fully repaired.

Work is currently being carried out by contractors from the “Lower Post First Nation and highway maintenance contractors.”

The detour is approximately three kilometres long.

The closure and panic-buying in local grocery stores, resulting in some shelves bare of produce and dairy products, kindled memories of June 2012.

At that time, a major Alaska Highway washout near Rancheria saw local stores quickly sold out of perishables and toilet paper due to supply truck deliveries from the south being cut off.

Comments (11)

Up 8 Down 3

eyeroll on Jul 7, 2022 at 1:37 pm


That redirect is the old Alaska highway. Take a deep breath and clutch your pearls.

Up 12 Down 1

Al on Jul 7, 2022 at 1:33 pm

@ bonanzajoe

The detour is using part of old Alaska Hwy that was not decommissioned.

Up 8 Down 0

Jim Sloan on Jul 6, 2022 at 9:51 am

Good Job.

Up 19 Down 3

douglas martens on Jul 5, 2022 at 9:38 pm

So a single member of Canada's national symbol the beaver, successfully brought all Alaskan bound traffic to a halt, created abject confusion amongst several governmental bodies and triggered panic in Whitehorse... on Canada Day? haha ha!

Up 11 Down 9

bonanzajoe on Jul 5, 2022 at 8:16 pm

Will the greenies now make a major complaint because they had to cut out a road through the precious bush?

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Matthew on Jul 5, 2022 at 5:53 pm

Crazy, I wonder if they were scared of another washout from happening while performing work.. most likely NOT, open in days, not months like the landslide.. comical..

Up 11 Down 3

yukon56 on Jul 5, 2022 at 5:51 pm

We should all realize how reliant we are on this Hiway. Bring back the trains from tidewater for long lead items. No stores carry of any commodity, surplus anymore, dead money to them It is all logistics

Up 10 Down 4

yukon56 on Jul 5, 2022 at 5:46 pm

We all do not really realize how reliant we are on this hiway. Bring back the train.

Up 72 Down 1

BnR on Jul 5, 2022 at 3:47 pm

Right on. A hearty well done to all the crews involved.

Up 47 Down 10

John on Jul 5, 2022 at 2:37 pm

“After a morning of abject confusion on the part of the British Columbia and federal governments”..... wait.... there is abject confusion in the government????

Up 71 Down 1

John on Jul 5, 2022 at 2:21 pm

Well done guys and gals ! Thanks for your hard work in restoring this vital link.

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