Whitehorse Daily Star

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Photo by Vince Fedoroff

A MAMMOTH TASK – Snow on Main Street is cleared Tuesday morning. Some of the piles were higher than vehicles.

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Photo by Vince Fedoroff

THE WOES OF WINTER DRIVING – Whitehorse RCMP officers investigate a four-vehicle collision this morning at Takhini Elementary School on Range Road. City firefighters also attended the scene. Two people sustained minor injuries, police said, and one vehicle was towed. Traffic was blocked while officers conducted their investigation.

Airport reopens as big dig-out continues

The Erik Nielsen Whitehorse International Airport reopened at 3:34 p.m. Monday after it had been closed at around 11:00 that morning because of the heavy snowfall.

By Chuck Tobin on November 3, 2020

Revised - The Erik Nielsen Whitehorse International Airport reopened at 3:34 p.m. Monday after it had been closed at around 11 a.m. that day because of the heavy snowfall.

Crews were unable to keep the runways open, and about half of the runway lights had been covered with snow.

Communications officer Oshea Jephson of the Department of Highways and Public Works said Tuesday crews were able to get the runways clear by mid-afternoon once the sun had come out shortly after noon.

The Alaska and North Klondike highways and the section of the South Klondike Highway between the Carcross Cutoff and Carcross were also reopened Tuesday morning. But the section of the South Klondike from Carcross to Skagway wasn’t reopened until 2 p.m. because crews had to clear an avalanche.

Highway crews in general have been going flat-out, Jephson said.

Most highways in the Yukon were still partly covered with snow at noon Tuesday, according to the Yukon 511 site that describes the condition of the territory’s roadways.

City crews have also been going 24-7 since Sunday night clearing main arteries, some sidestreets and beginning to remove some snow.

City operations manager Richard Graham said Tuesday they had began removing snow from priority one and two roads such as Second and Fourth avenues.

Crews have also been able to do some plowing on priority three roads, he said.

Graham said they were bringing in private contractors and their dump trucks to help with the snow removal.

The city’s grader operators can pull in snow more quickly than the city trucks can move it all, so contractors will help with the haul, and they were planning on bringing in more over the next few days, he said.

Graham said they realize the large windrows in the middle of roadways have created additional challenges for drivers and pedestrians.

But everybody just has to remain vigilant and patient as the city works through this largely unprecedented time, he said.

Graham said crews were also able to clear some of the parking lot at the Canada Games Centre.

Crews began moving into the country residential neighbourhoods Tuesday to start clearing operations, he said.

It is important, he emphasized, that motorists give the equipment room to work and stay 15 metres away, just like the signs on the equipment advise.

Graham said members of the road crew are working 12-hour shifts around the clock, and that will continue. But it’s also important to make sure they get their proper time off to prevent fatigue, he said.

It is, said Graham, a bit of a balancing act.

“I’ve never seen this much snow,” he said.

Meteorologist Doug Lundquist of Environment Canada said Tuesday Whitehorse received two record days of snowfall on Sunday and Monday.

Lundquist said at 5 a.m. last Friday, five centimetres (two inches) of snow covered the ground at the airport.

By 5 p.m. Monday, Environment Canada estimated there were 47 centimetres (18.5 inches), he said.

Comments (9)

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Achtung! on Nov 9, 2020 at 1:41 pm

Hello Anie - I take your point. However, I disagree with it. No person can be responsible for the personal filters of another person. It is quite disturbing to me that you would trivialize authoritarian statements and ideas. That is how we get things like “Nazism”.

For someone to launch into a rebuff about some presumption of “complainers” is an indication of highly problematic thinking. The idea that you are here condoning it is further disturbing.

Democracy only survives by the ability to complain. I am not sure what is going on in our society that we have such conformism and passivity... In the context of a de-emphasis on education and responsible thought more generally it is absolutely scary!

Your contention and your support of these ideals is how fascism, communism and Nazism got the foothold it did and is the platform for the resurgence we are seeing today. So, no, it does not trivialize Nazism but rather it is a warning of its return.

We need people to think beyond their own sensitivities and understand the world around them rather than protect themselves with a false sense of calm, a false consciousness, or a false sense of baseless positivity.

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Anie on Nov 9, 2020 at 9:16 am

Achtung, Your use of "'achtung"is distressing. Taken in context with your pos, It implies an accusation of nazi motivation towards the OP. I see this more and more in social media and fear that the insult has become so common place that we will soon diminish the real horror and depravity that "nazi" should represent. We should never allow ourselves to forget, or to diminish the meaning by slinging it about in a conversation so meaningless as parking issues. Please choose your words wisely.

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Achtung! on Nov 8, 2020 at 10:49 am

Dear Laura - We here at the School of Conformity for Authoritarian Thought (SCAT) appreciate your efforts in helping to suppress the democratic process.

SCAT believes in the suppression of alternative thought, especially, when such thought questions the decrees of a managerial society. We can see that you have attracted a number of followers who like you, hopefully, will commit to further incursions against democratic processes. We must endeavour to make sure that no one ever complains, ever again.

People of Whitehorse - Please levitate your vehicles during unprecedented snow storms when, and if you must park them. Alternatively, after any snowfall in which 4 inches or more in total have accumulated since the last snow removal stay home from work and immediately call the city to inform them that you need a ‘priority’ snow removal operation because Laura will be upset if you park where “they” might want to clear?

You must get approval from the City before parking anywhere during snow season?

Another possibility is that you can learn the art of ESP from the same temple that Laura and her followers attend... Welcome to the Hotel Yukonofornia... Pink champagne on ice...

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YukonMax on Nov 5, 2020 at 6:27 am

Some communities still don't have their airport cleared.
It's a long ambulance ride to the City.
Far from the eyes...who cares?

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DA on Nov 4, 2020 at 10:54 am

Where do you suggest downtown workers park during a heavy snowfall, if not on the side of the road? Or are you suggesting we shut down the whole city until all the roads are cleared?

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Wilber Francis on Nov 3, 2020 at 4:53 pm

Whose bright idea was to clear Main Street, today at noon? smh

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Matthew on Nov 3, 2020 at 3:25 pm

I'm sure that closing wasn't easy. It must have put a massive dent in all that airline traffic... lol

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Laura on Nov 3, 2020 at 2:35 pm

Thank you to all the Highway & City crews who worked so hard to get the snow clear. Despite the complainers who don't know how snow removal priorities work, most of us are very thankful for what you do. I wish people would make the job easier by not parking their vehicles along roadways which seriously impedes the snow removal. Park somewhere else, especially when there is a snow warning!!!

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Thank you! on Nov 3, 2020 at 1:51 pm

It was insane out there! Thank you to those that helped out -- whether for their job or just because they are good people. And thanks to you who didn't go out and risk it.

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