Affordable housing triplex completed
The final Rapid Housing Initiative project in Whitehorse is finished, the Yukon Housing Corp. (YHC) said Friday.
The final Rapid Housing Initiative project in Whitehorse is finished, the Yukon Housing Corp. (YHC) said Friday.
The triplex on Sycamore Street at Wann Road in Porter Creek is one of three built in the Yukon thanks to $3 million in funding from the federal government Rapid Housing Initiative, $1.3 million from the YHC and $1.1 million through the Canada Mortgage Housing Corp.’s Northern Housing Fund.
The other two triplexes are located on Morley Crescent in Watson Lake and on Third Avenue in Mayo.
These three projects add nine affordable, energy-efficient homes to the territory.
On Friday, Ranj Pillai, the minister responsible for the YHC, visited the local triplex with Yukon MP Brendan Hanley, and city councillor Michelle Friesen.
The barrier-free triplex contains two one-bedroom units and one two-bedroom unit. The Whitehorse units are designated for vulnerable people and will remain affordable for a minimum of 40 years.
“There is no relationship more important to our government than the one with Indigenous peoples,” Ahmed Hussen, the federal minister of Housing and Diversity and Inclusion, said in a statement.
“That is why through the Rapid Housing Initiative, over 40 per cent of all units will support Indigenous housing across the country, including right here in Yukon. This is the National Housing Strategy at work to support those who need it most.”
The triplexes were built on appropriately zoned land owned by the YHC.
“These new homes in Whitehorse, Watson Lake and Mayo will provide a safe, affordable and accessible place to call home for Yukon families,” Pillai said.
“I look forward to continuing to work with our local and federal housing partners to build more homes for Yukoners and continue to strengthen our communities.”
The three triplexes align with key community needs identified through community housing needs assessments, the YHC’s capital asset management plan and its work to modernize the Community Housing program.
“For Yukoners that are homeless or at risk of homelessness, safe and stable housing changes lives,” Hanley said.
“This newly-built triplex will provide residents with barrier-free, affordable homes in Whitehorse.
“This project is a tangible example of our government’s Rapid Housing Initiative at work. Our entire community benefits when we support those most in need. I look forward to further housing investments as part of our federal National Housing Strategy.”
Mayor Laura Cabott called housing and development “a strategic priority for the City of Whitehorse, and every new home moves us closer to our goal of affordable and attainable housing for all.
“This project is another example of what is possible when partners use their creativity and work together to bring these projects to life.”
Comments (12)
Up 17 Down 4
Really... that's beyond racist on Aug 31, 2022 at 9:13 pm
"There is no relationship more important to our government than the one with Indigenous peoples"
Hey Ahmed Hussen, take a few steps back, then run at the wall full speed. Do not make bulls**t racist statements like this. You might as well go back to Mogadishu.
Up 23 Down 8
New Soylent Green Pablum - Fortified with actual human Liberal Sheep… on Aug 31, 2022 at 2:45 pm
What a disgusting POS statement:
“There is no relationship more important to our government than the one with Indigenous peoples,” from Ahmed Hussen, the federal minister of Housing and Diversity and Inclusion, said in a statement.
This is racism pure and simple. The Federal government is running rampant with racism - This is well known. And yet they preach at you, cancel you, and tell you that you are racist without ever having had a conversation with you. You are after all, implicitly racist, you don’t even know you’re doing it!
Apparently the Liberals do not either:
“Trudeau Liberals have a pattern of racism much bigger than Laith Marouf
The government promised to conduct a review of the funding distributed through its anti-racism program. But any review worth its weight must look at the bigger pattern of racism from the Trudeau Liberals.
In this NP Comment video, Jamil Jivani argues that problems of racism within the federal government go much deeper than recent headlines would suggest.
Author of the article: Jamil Jivani
Publishing date:Aug 30, 2022
Trudeau, Jagmeet, Silver, and White are politicos ‘using’ good intent for their sociopathic fancies. They are not acting in the best interests of the people. If you voted for or otherwise supported or support these people - You have engaged in disgusting behaviours and are not worthy of a democracy. WTF!
Racism, MAID, financial slavery, thought control, mandated speech, social credit scores, a love for basic dictatorships, and the disappearance of the intellectual and physical commons - There can be no other conclusion than that the world is being systematically dumbed down, locked down, and controlled… And here you are, supporters of this shyt-show, going - “Can I have some more please?”
Geesus H Louie - Sorry Joseph Campbell and others - But WTF next? Perhaps, some banana/carrot soylent green for all those young growing minds - Liberals will finally be able to eat their own…
Up 6 Down 3
bonanzajoe on Aug 30, 2022 at 8:45 pm
@"A capitalist boot ready for licks on Aug 30," A Socialist quoting Holy Scripture? Well, nice to see something is getting through.
Up 22 Down 3
Charlie's Aunt on Aug 30, 2022 at 1:41 pm
The triplex on Sycamore/Wann was nicely landscaped with turf a few weeks ago. Today I noticed the turf is dying because it obviously needs water. Who is responsible for that? There was also a realtor's sale sign; one sign for all 3 units, not 3 individual signs. Sign has now gone so assuming a sale, wondering if it was one purchaser for condos, if it was YHC or someone braving the landlord scene with affordable rents?
Up 25 Down 15
Kate on Aug 30, 2022 at 12:29 pm
Didn’t the Chilkoot people ask for a million dollar loan to fix up their building which has like 30 rooms or something to help street people? Guess they don’t matter.
Up 31 Down 8
Juniper Jackson on Aug 30, 2022 at 11:56 am
"There is no relationship more important to our government than the one with Indigenous peoples"
More tax dollars for FN. But, I thought Band members wanted to be in McIntyre? When politician's talk about "those most in need". Who are they talking about? Seniors? Physical impairments? Street folk?
And, what do they mean by "affordable"? No sale prices are mentioned, are they going to welfare housing? I don't know too many, actually none, "most vulnerable", that could afford to buy a unit, even if it were a $50 buck fire sale.
Who, exactly are these units being targeted for? And how much?
Up 6 Down 24
A capitalist boot ready for licks on Aug 30, 2022 at 9:15 am
People will complain that this makes somebody else's life better and easier.
It doesn't effect your taxes (the Yukon receives equalization not pays into it) and that very selective "good" book even mentions to do unto others and look after your fellow man.
Unless it helps the poor. Then it's socialist.
All faux-relgious people would be best reminded what is said about rich people getting into heaven. Something about an eye through a needle and camels...
Up 21 Down 11
Josey Wales on Aug 29, 2022 at 9:34 pm
Under this regime, we are all vulnerable people...well on our way to collective poverty.
But hey...let’s talk in a year see how your life is then.
Venezuela...we are soon to be just like y’all.
Up 26 Down 8
Dallas on Aug 29, 2022 at 9:26 pm
Wow that’s a crapload of money for housing and only maybe nine families get to live for free. Perhaps the government should go to a Richie Bros sale and buy up consultant shacks at around a hundred grand give or take. Set them up and then when the people living there have trashed the place at least we could recycle most of the junk that’s left and it isn’t such a huge financial loss for the tax payer….the city Laura Cabot a liberal the territory and Silver another liberal and the country and Trudeau another liberal are really gonna drive us all into the poor house….can’t wait for a requirement to vote is a brain.
Up 25 Down 4
Jack on Aug 29, 2022 at 9:06 pm
I wonder how they decide who gets to benefit from this largesse at the tax-payers expense? This will benefit very very few people who get to use it year on year while others are left out in the cold.
Up 25 Down 2
Joseph campbell on Aug 29, 2022 at 8:40 pm
" vulnerable people". Well, we all know who they are. 51/2 million bucks to build and at least that for upkeep and damages every couple of years.
Up 75 Down 14
Bill on Aug 29, 2022 at 3:09 pm
Let's see. By my calculations 3m + 1.1m + 1.3 = 5.4m / 9 = $600,000 per unit. Pretty damn expense initiative.
Each triplex is 1.8m - that is a huge amount of money. Do they have gold toilets and fixtures?
I take it these are freebie homes. Must be nice to live in such luxury.