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Jason Pedlar
Photo by Photo Submitted
Jason Pedlar
Jason Pedlar, the Yukon’s Ombudsman, Information and Privacy Commissioner (IPC), and Public Interest Disclosure Commissioner (PIDC), has issued the 2021 annual reports for his three offices.
Jason Pedlar, the Yukon’s Ombudsman, Information and Privacy Commissioner (IPC), and Public Interest Disclosure Commissioner (PIDC), has issued the 2021 annual reports for his three offices.
The reports, jointly entitled Protecting the public’s interest in fairness, accountability and information rights during challenging times, were tabled in the legislature on Monday.
“I am pleased to submit these reports on behalf of my predecessor, Diane McLeod-McKay,” said Pedlar.
“She served in these roles throughout 2021 but left the position in mid-2022 before the reports had been finalized.
“They are now available on our website, and anyone who would like to receive a printed copy of the reports may do so by contacting our office.”
The reporting period of 2021 covered within these reports spans a time during which a new Access to Information and Protection of Privacy Act (ATIPPA) came into force, so the reporting in the IPC portion of the document reflects requirements set out in both the previous and the current act.
“As is normally the case, our annual reports provide examples of cases that reflect the nature of the work we undertook throughout the year,” said Pedlar.
“We also highlight any special challenges faced. For 2021, we have included a new section in our IPC report, which sets out a concerning trend where the recommendations in our formal ATIPPA reports have often been refused or deemed refused, which means not responded to in time.
“As IPC, I have the authority to compel information and evidence and to determine fact and law,” Pedlar added.
“However, I can only make recommendations and ask that the public body follow them.
“It is my hope that public bodies will recognize our expertise in these matters and make a concerted effort to follow our recommendations.
“Failing that, I will push to be provided order-making power, to ensure recommendations are followed.”
The Ombudsman section of the report for 2021 notes the investigative work being done into a complaint about the actions of a former educational assistant at Hidden Valley Elementary School, an investigation which has continued into 2022.
The report also summarizes two court cases that the Office of the Ombudsman was involved in, as well as work done regarding vaccine verification credentials and fairness.
The PIDC section of the report notes problematic aspects of the Public Interest Disclosure of Wrongdoing Act and the Ombudsman Act, both of which affect the PIDC’s ability to conduct investigations into wrongdoing.
The Ombudsman, Information and Privacy Commissioner, and Public Interest Disclosure Commissioner is an independent officer of the legislature.
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YG’s open door policy - Get out! on Nov 6, 2022 at 10:18 am
The new pedlar of tales and sales for YG has arrived… Let the purge continue!
The management structure is now dancing in the aisles… Celebrate good times, come on, we’re gonna celebrate and have a party with ‘ewe’, and ‘ewe’, and ‘ewe’…
Taking the screws out of scrutiny…
Interesting though, the government has been fleecing the people do long, they have now brought in someone with real expertise - The Golden Fleece champion!
The Golden Fleece however is mere symbolism. In the myth of Jason and the Argonauts, the Golden Fleece is a symbol of that which is unattainable or cannot be possessed.
As Diane McLeod-McKay often experienced - “A Yukon government department once again refused to cooperate with the territory's information and privacy commissioner.”
“The information and privacy commissioner's office asked the Justice Department for the unredacted documents so it could determine whether the redactions were valid.”
“The department refused, forcing the office to launch a lengthy formal investigation.”
Jason of the Argonauts was ultimately betrayed… I wonder at the hubris and to what extent this will factor into the final betrayal that will befall this new boss, same as the old boss - Ombudsperson.
Full steam ahead!