Whitehorse Daily Star

These are incorrect and misleading statements

Ed. note: this is a letter to the Yukon Environmental and Socio-economic Assessment Board’s Haines Junction Designated Office.

By Whitehorse Star on July 28, 2023

Ed. note: this is a letter to the Yukon Environmental and Socio-economic Assessment Board’s Haines Junction Designated Office.

The Association of Yukon Communities (AYC) would like to provide clarification to information provided in this application that mischaracterizes our involvement and thus leaves an incorrect impression as to our role.

In response to Information Request #1: IR Response (2023-0059-0027), the proponent makes claims about the AYC that we believe are improper.

Specifically, with respect to the solid waste management facilities in Beaver Creek, Destruction Bay, Silver City, and Champagne, the Haines Junction Designated Office asked the proponent about engagement with the communities and users impacted by the proposed closures or changes to operations at these facilities.

In response, the proponent makes four separate statements indicating that they worked with the AYC to ensure proper consultation with each of these impacted communities.

These are incorrect and misleading statements.

Our association does not represent unincorporated communities in the Yukon.

We do not have the jurisdiction or the authority to speak on behalf of, or to be consulted on the behalf of, the communities impacted by these Yukon Government decisions.

For greater clarity, we do not represent or speak on behalf of Beaver Creek, Destruction Bay, Silver City, or Champagne.

We cannot be considered the organization to consult with for Yukon Government decisions that impact these communities.

Thank you.

Ted Laking


Association of Yukon Communities


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