Whitehorse Daily Star

Letters Archive

January 6, 2023

  • Why aren’t we hearing of this? A peer-reviewed paper written by American, Spanish and Australian physicians and scientists was recently published in a well-regarded Japanese periodical called Vaccine, in which they review and analyze publicly available data from Pfizer and Moderna Phase III clinical trials.
  • I’m looking for them I worked at the Travel Lodge in Whitehorse in the late ’60s as a dining room waitress.
  • Yukon a victim of carbon tax, travelling costs Recently this holiday season, the Government of Yukon has been advertising for tourists in the media – TV, etc.
  • A 2023 dose of discouragement CTV recently published an article about the expected and achieved performance of electric vehicles in the winter.
  • We cannot tolerate clients’ abusive conduct Over the past few years, Alpine Veterinary Medical Centre has seen an unprecedented rise in demand for veterinary services as a result of a number of factors.

December 23, 2022

December 21, 2022

December 16, 2022

December 12, 2022

December 9, 2022

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