Whitehorse Daily Star

Takhini Springs

Recent Discovery Told Of By Mr. Hamacher

By Whitehorse Star on June 28, 1907

June 28, 1907

Takhini Springs

Recent Discovery Told Of By Mr. Hamacher

Photographer E.J. Hamacher has favoured us with the following description of the Takhini hot springs, the property of Messrs. W.A. Puckett and S.A. Simmons. The springs are distant from Whitehorse about 30 1/2 miles, 14 to the mouth of the Takhini river, 15 miles up that stream to the springs landing and one and a half miles from the river northward to the springs.

The springs are located in a beautiful spot almost level but sloping gently toward the river.

The water boils up from a bowl-shaped basin, overflows it at one edge, and runs over the sloping ground until it reaches a deep canyon through which it makes its way toward the river. At the foot of this canyon is a large crescent shaped slough or lake which has an outlet to the river.

The volume of water which flows from the spring would fill a six-inch pipe and its deposits below the springs show large quantities of iron and lime. The temperature of the water is about 120 degrees, Fahrenheit.

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