History Archive
Popular discussions
July 26, 1974
$6,000 Gold Nugget Found Near City Max Fuerstner considers himself a lucky man, and he has good reason to.
June 21, 1974
Riverboats Up In Flames Hundreds of people stood on the banks of the Yukon River yesterday morning and cried as the riverboats CASCA and WHITEHORSE were engulfed by flames.
November 6, 1972
Fighting City Hall - Anti Meter Maid Erlam claims that the meters drive business from downtown Whitehorse
January 27, 1972
It Started Out As A Holiday... "It was the most beautiful sound I ever heard in my life.”
July 6, 1969
A convicted user talks about Marijuana (In reply to a recent article by Dr. Lyall Black, Zone Director, Northern Health Services, the following letter has been received from Ian Rankin, who was recently convicted on a marijuana charge in the Yukon.)
June 14, 1969
Fires Ravage The Yukon - Faro Gone, Maybe Pelly Record high temperatures and tinder-dry forests are turning the Yukon into a blasting inferno as forest fires sweep uncontrolled through at least 20 individual areas of the territory.
May 12, 1969
- Liquor vote set for June 23rd Will the legal age for the consumption of alcoholic beverages be 19 years of age?
- Macko sentence three years in the shooting death of Melmed Dupobac
May 8, 1969
Pioneer Company Closes Store After 42 years in Whitehorse, and more than 100 in the north, the Northern Commercial Company Limited announced today that it will close its Whitehorse department store as of this Saturday. When the key is turned in the lock at 5:30 it will be for the last time.
May 5, 1969
Million Dollar Remodeling For Highway Traffic Circle Tenders for the reconstruction of 18 miles of the Alaska Highway from Mile 909.2 to Mile 928.5 closed on Thursday, My 1, 1969. The lowest bid was $961,584 submitted by Nanaimo Bulldozing Co. Ltd. of Nanaimo B.C.
February 3, 1969
Court Told ‘Blood Gushed Like Water' Murder Suspect Committed For Trial Zoltan Macko was committed for trial Friday, at the conclusion of a preliminary hearing into a charge of non capital murder.
October 3, 1968
Yukon Territory's First Albino Moose Yukon big game outfitter Alex Van Bibber of Champagne, Yukon, took the territory's first albino moose on October 3, 1968,
July 4, 1968
Buddhist Rites Mark Cremation of Climbers In Quiet Yukon Valley In a lonely spot far up a Yukon mountain valley, six young Japanese Alpine climbers Sunday performed the traditional Buddhist cremation ceremony for the bodies of two companions lost in an avalanche in the St. Elias range three weeks before.
May 16, 1968
Trudeau Meets Local Press ... Trudeau visits the Yukon
May 9, 1968
Trudeau to visit Whitehorse COMING SATURDAY Canada's new Prime Minister
March 30, 1968
Cleaning up Whiskey Flats "Squatters to go next week!"